About Me

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I can write about disparate things, but when it comes to describing myself, I often fumble for words. To know me better, stay tuned to my space and share my world with me. As my thoughts unfold, the 'real me' will surface. Till then, I leave you with my favourite quote "Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so he loves also the bow that is stable."......Khalil Gibran.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Gentle caress, treat you mild,
Immaculate beauty so fragile;
Tender cluster of the bud,
Cling to pore for life galore.

Shimmering attire of the flower,
Firm you stand against all power.
Live to see the morning light,
Glorious surrender to the night.

Gracefully wither from the soul,
Touch the earth, and make it whole.
Now in peace, you lay to rest,
Humble life, at its best.

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