About Me

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I can write about disparate things, but when it comes to describing myself, I often fumble for words. To know me better, stay tuned to my space and share my world with me. As my thoughts unfold, the 'real me' will surface. Till then, I leave you with my favourite quote "Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so he loves also the bow that is stable."......Khalil Gibran.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tryst with Destiny

In troubled times when I seek out,
I know not where to go and how;
I see no beam, I see no hope;
I still cling on and won’t let go.
An earnest endeavor, I make,

To break free from the mandate;
Precarious the path may be,
But, that’s my tryst with destiny.
Beyond the sublime ray of light,

I launch a novel flight;
Providence will soon smile on me,
As I make my own destiny.